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 People have been worried about not giving birth to their required baby sex, many have lost their homes and some are depressed over giving giving birth to same sex, science has come to put an end to your sorrow. The purpose of this blog is to enlighten users on some challenges that may come across their way, i am going to elucidate this article eloquently to users understanding.
The following are some of the biological terms and meaning:
Chromosome: A DNA molecule with part or all of the genetic material of the parent gene.
Replication: Biological process of producing two identical DNA from the original DNA molecule.

Gene: A basic physical and functional unit of heredity.
Ovary: An organ found in female reproductive system in which ova or egg are formed.
Mutation: permanent alteration in DNA sequence that makes up a gene (Mistakes in replication of DNA).
Ovulation: Female release of a matured egg from the ovary down to the fallopian tube.
Spermatozoa: A motile gamete of male which consist of head, body and tail.
Reproduction: Coming together of male and female in other to produce young ones of their kind.
Human being has 46 chromosome, during reproduction the man produces 23 chromosome and the woman produces 23 chromosome which they pass on to there offspring 46 (baby)these chromosomes has attributes of their parent in DNA, that's why babies must resemble the father, mother or both, in terms of pigment, eye shape and curves etc. Hence mutation can occur which misplaces the DNA during replication copying an old gene maybe fifth generation making the baby gene look partially different from parent gene.
The mutation of gene has brought so many dispute between couples, but a better understanding remains that gene can be mutated (altered, mistake, changed).
    Determination of sex of a baby comes at the point of reproduction when the male ejaculates the spermatozoon which has XY chromosome and the female releases the egg which has XX chromosome, hence XY represents male and XX  represents female, these X and Y chromosome respectively are different in speed and life span.
X runs slower and last longer.
Y runs faster and dies quicker.
        When the sperm is released, it carries the XY chromosome to the ovary, but the movement of these chromosomes differs as explained earlier, if the X get to the ovary first, it fertilizes the ovulated egg X resulting to XX chromosome representing female offspring but if Y gets to the ovary first, it fertilizes the ovulated egg X resulting to XY chromosome that represent male offspring.
To determine the sex of your baby, time of reproduction is essential because the X last for 1 week and moves slower and Y last for 24 hours and runs faster.
For instance, if a woman sees her period (menstrual cycle) on the 1st to 4th of January, she will be expecting her ovulation on the 14th of January, however ovulation comes with symptoms of stomach pain, body itching, headache etc, sex from 5th to 12th January result to a female offspring (baby girl) while sex from 13th to 21st January will result to a male offspring (baby boy), from 22 to your next menstrual cycle is referred to as SAFE PERIOD (period she cannot get pregnant).

                    I WANT A FEMALE CHILD
I saw my period on the 1st to 4th of January
I had sexual intercourse with my partner from 5th to 12th January
I ovulated on the 14th of January (comes out at half of menstrual cycle)
If pregnant the baby would be a female child (girl)
           This is because the Y chromosome will reach the ovary withing 24 hours, it dies because ovulation has not been reached, but the X coming slowly to meet the ovulated egg X in 7 days and last longer result to a female XX.

                    I WANT A MALE CHILD
I saw my period on the 1st to 4th of January
I had sexual intercourse with my partner from 13th to 21st January
I ovulated on the 14th of January(ovulation comes at half your menstrual cycle)
If pregnant the baby would be a male child (boy).
          This is because the X would be reaching the ovary in 7 days and Y would fertilize the ovulated egg X within 24 hours resulting to a male child XY.




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