
Showing posts from July, 2018
script async custom-element="amp-auto-ads" src=""> </script>                    WHY MEN REALLY CHEAT                                                                         Every guy wants to have sex with another girl, if the opportunity eventually comes they use it. If i got enough or better sex at home, i wouldn't need to cheat. If my wife hadn't  gained so much weight. I am just doing it for fun.           These are major answers men gave in an outdoor interview of one hundred office workers to make there altitude look impartial or normal, but the reason why men cheat can be driven by one of the following. Alcohol/Flirting Every flirting man has this tendency to cheat while clubbing not because of the alcohol he took but because of the environment he found himself. Revenge He revenges by cheating on his wife maybe for making him so angry or noticing that he h